Wow. I haven't updated my blog in eons! Of course the past couple of months have been kind of crazy too. I moved, hosted German coworkers, had a birthday, had a crazy deadline at work, and have started going out a lot.
Today is the second day this week that I've stayed home from work. I don't know if it is allergies. Even though I've actually been sleeping the standard 8 hours or more, I still can't get enough sleep. I feel groggy all day too. I've been taking more than my one alloted Allegras per day too. Still, I don't think allergies can explain my malaise.
Part of it might just be general discontentment with my job. I keep on picking up copies of books on starting your own freelance writing business and such. Ultimately, I think this might be the ideal path for me, but with no large amount of savings at the moment, I'm chicken.
It's not that I necessarily hate my job, it just bores the hell out of me. While that isn't the best attitude, it is a definite improvement over the last job I had where I was always unreasonably stressed out and resentful. At least this job has afforded me lots of chances to sort out what I do want to do.
Taking a long stint of vacation might be helpful as well. Aside from two quick weekends in San Francisco this spring, I haven't gotten away from myself. Maybe even a week in Port Aransas would help me relax a bit. I keep on thinking that I have to travel at least 3,000 miles to have a vacation.
Today is the second day this week that I've stayed home from work. I don't know if it is allergies. Even though I've actually been sleeping the standard 8 hours or more, I still can't get enough sleep. I feel groggy all day too. I've been taking more than my one alloted Allegras per day too. Still, I don't think allergies can explain my malaise.
Part of it might just be general discontentment with my job. I keep on picking up copies of books on starting your own freelance writing business and such. Ultimately, I think this might be the ideal path for me, but with no large amount of savings at the moment, I'm chicken.
It's not that I necessarily hate my job, it just bores the hell out of me. While that isn't the best attitude, it is a definite improvement over the last job I had where I was always unreasonably stressed out and resentful. At least this job has afforded me lots of chances to sort out what I do want to do.
Taking a long stint of vacation might be helpful as well. Aside from two quick weekends in San Francisco this spring, I haven't gotten away from myself. Maybe even a week in Port Aransas would help me relax a bit. I keep on thinking that I have to travel at least 3,000 miles to have a vacation.