On Perfectionism
How a normal person prepares for a bike ride:
1. Grab helmet.
2. Fill up water bottle
3. Puts on shorts and shoes.
4. Goes for bike ride.
Here's how a perfectionist goes for a bike ride.
1. Looks for helmet. Can't find it. Curses himself for not being more organized.
2. Reads magazine article.
3. Curses self for dragging heels. Continues looking for helmet.
4. Spends 30 minutes tearing apart apartment looking for bike helmet.
5. Finds bike helmet in bin in closet where he put all his bike stuff the last time this happened for a bike ride.
6. Looks for water bottle.
7. Upon finding water bottle decides to wash it out.
8. Phone rings and subject talks to friend for 30 minutes.
9. Puts on helmet.
10. Spends 10 minutes looking for keys.
11. Locates keys in pockets from jeans worn yesterday.
12. Realizes that shorts have no pockets. Puts on shorts with pockets to hold keys.
13. Walks outside.
14. Sees that it is now dusk.
15. Decides not to go on bike ride, because it's "too dark"
This is how I often spend my Saturday or Sunday afternoon preparing for a bike ride. From this formula you could apply it to most free-time activities in my life. The same thought process also involves my working life and also when I am with friends and family. Add a heaping portion of self-criticism when this follows…
The next episode of Self-Analysis Theater will explore a conversation with either Mom or LoneStar.
This past week has involved a large amount of procrastination. Work has been a wash, largely since I am not working on any big deadline-driven projects right now. I have spent large portions of my day trying to conceal net surfing. I am not really motivated at work right now either. I feel like I am doing too many "side projects". I think I would be better served if I went to Border's and got a book on Virtual Basic or practiced my business German during these times, but net surfing is so much easier.
I haven't been to the gym in over a week. Again, low motivation.
Sigh. Sigh. Sigh.
How a normal person prepares for a bike ride:
1. Grab helmet.
2. Fill up water bottle
3. Puts on shorts and shoes.
4. Goes for bike ride.
Here's how a perfectionist goes for a bike ride.
1. Looks for helmet. Can't find it. Curses himself for not being more organized.
2. Reads magazine article.
3. Curses self for dragging heels. Continues looking for helmet.
4. Spends 30 minutes tearing apart apartment looking for bike helmet.
5. Finds bike helmet in bin in closet where he put all his bike stuff the last time this happened for a bike ride.
6. Looks for water bottle.
7. Upon finding water bottle decides to wash it out.
8. Phone rings and subject talks to friend for 30 minutes.
9. Puts on helmet.
10. Spends 10 minutes looking for keys.
11. Locates keys in pockets from jeans worn yesterday.
12. Realizes that shorts have no pockets. Puts on shorts with pockets to hold keys.
13. Walks outside.
14. Sees that it is now dusk.
15. Decides not to go on bike ride, because it's "too dark"
This is how I often spend my Saturday or Sunday afternoon preparing for a bike ride. From this formula you could apply it to most free-time activities in my life. The same thought process also involves my working life and also when I am with friends and family. Add a heaping portion of self-criticism when this follows…
The next episode of Self-Analysis Theater will explore a conversation with either Mom or LoneStar.
This past week has involved a large amount of procrastination. Work has been a wash, largely since I am not working on any big deadline-driven projects right now. I have spent large portions of my day trying to conceal net surfing. I am not really motivated at work right now either. I feel like I am doing too many "side projects". I think I would be better served if I went to Border's and got a book on Virtual Basic or practiced my business German during these times, but net surfing is so much easier.
I haven't been to the gym in over a week. Again, low motivation.
Sigh. Sigh. Sigh.