Saturday, March 30, 2002

I have been in a crappy mood all day. I'm not sure why I always feel so lousy on Satrudays. Maybe i'm not getting enough rest during the week.

RedStripe and I went looking for potential sets this morning. I think we have most of them picked out.

I have lots of work to do today, but all I really feel like doing is napping.

I feel kinda lonely today. It amazes me sometimes how everyone seems to disappear on Saturday afternoons. Maybe having a richer, fuller life would help. All I seem to do is putter around on my computer on Saturday afternoons.

Thursday, March 28, 2002

How do you unclutter a cluttered brain? Often I find myself trying to pay attention to what other people are saying, just to have a wave of thoughts tune them out. This might explain why I don't have much to say. I'm always thinking about other things too much.


Yesterday I experienced my first male dental hygenist. Yes, I am sometimes influenced by stereotypes. Still, he was really funny. Funny is not an experience I usually have while at the dentist. Sure we may talk about flossing and the job market, but I have never had a dental hygentist make a joke about the new Listerine breath strips being just like "Windowpane" or relating stories of patients who intentially let their teeth rot so that they can get painkillers. Apparently, these folks go to three or four dentists getting the painkiller perscription and then forgetting to get the one for the antibiotic filled. Eventually, the pharmacist catches on and calls the assorted dentists. The hygentist said the usually tip-off on these folks is that they don't want the rotting teeth removed in the same visit.


Always the critc.

When I was about 11 years old one of the neighborhood kids I played with was talking to me. "Hey, Scherzkecks! You know what the perfect job for you would be?"

"What?!" I asked intrigued.

"A movie critic."

Ouch. I really did take that too heart. Sometimes we let things that people say in passing cement themselves in our brains so that the Critic etching appears every time I find myself being judgemental.

LoneStar reinforced this when saying half-jokingly a couple of years ago, "always the critic, aren't we, Scherzkecks?"


Ever get the feeling that you always missed the boat?

Though I started using the Internet back in '93 at UT, I ended up teaching English in Japan during the height of the boom when people were making millions of dollars on hot air. Of course, this isn't all about making money either.

I'm all set off by this, because I just came across this article on digital video by a former classmate of mine from UT. Sure he was a cool guy, creative and all that, but somehow it irks me that he has an article on Wired somewhere.

I could argue that I had been slowly digging my way out of debilatating depression for the past decade or so, but really in the end who cares? That excuse will get you only so far in terms of justifying not accomplishing what you want to do in life.

I've been starting at the computer too long tonight. I should get to bed. peace.

Wednesday, March 27, 2002

Life must be moving by incredibly fast. Considering how gradual many changes are in our lives, it amazes me how boom I can be at another round of dentist and eye doctor appointments as well as friends birthday parties. The season of running into RedStripe at Deep Eddy on Saturdays, JimJim Water Ices, and Austin's summer oblivion are around the corner. I am prepared for this summer though. I purchased my first cooler (with wheels no less) a month or two ago in anticipation. People are itching to start living their lives outside again. I can feel that the season of Reefs, ice cold swimming holes, and Mexican beers blowing on my neck.

I guess this means that my exercise plan for the past few weeks seeks some spark on interest. Summer also means shirtlessness and after a March of birthday parties, chronic eating out during SXSW, and avoiding the gym, it's time to come up with a new plan. My workout is getting boring. It would be nice to bike places, but my bike got stolen... I might try swimming at Stacy Pool until it's warm enough to go to Deep Eddy and Barton Springs. I also found out that there is a lap pool right by work.

Work has been rough lately, mainly because I have been staying up way too late playing with my new computer. I am totally obsessed with playing with the iMac. I burned my first CD last night (my old laptop didn't have a CD burner on it). I'm not sure when I will burn my first DVD, probably when RedStripe and I finish our movie for class.

Too bad for exercise tonight. It's LoneStar's birthday and we're going to Fonda San Miguel for dinner (it's LoneStar's turn for the Fonda birthday club). So I will probably have too many really good margaritas.